How much does a fence cost?
How much do different types of fences cost in South Africa per meter installed? We calculated price ranges for palisade fence, electric fence, welded mesh and ClearVu fencing.
Stylish wooden fence for garden boundary with an option for electric fence on the top.
need electric fence on top of my wooden fence
I need a wooden (preferably wattle if possible) fence with a pedestrian gate to contain my dogs and for privacy. It is an urgent job please confirm cost.
am looking for a field fence to use on a cattle feedlot. very urgent l have a truck waiting in Joburg to pick the order enroute to Zim. please WhatsApp me on + for a speedy quote. want to place the order ASAP
Razor Wire Barbed Tape Concertina mm(12m)
please quote me for 10m only...