Is it cheaper to build or buy a house in South Africa?
The short answer is that it is cheaper to buy an existing house in South Africa but every year less so.
Beach house in Pringle bay
add 1 bathroom, create open plan kitchen. exchange front walll for glass and create a varander. pool deckin.
I have architectural plans. I need quotation of the building contractors, labour and material
3 bedroom, Bathroom, Shower, Open plan kitchen, Large Lounche/TV Room
I want a 3 bedroom house kitchen double garage and gaming room double story
Want to redesign the whole bathroom with a walk in shower and a made up bench in the shower
I need to build a double story house - 3 bedrooms including main bedroom, pyjama launch and study upstairs. kitchen, launch, living area, tv room, helper's quarters and guest bedroom downstairs. three garages and swimming pool
Looking to add a study addition to my existing house