L shaped, open plan industrial farmhouse look. 3-4 bedroom. North facing, single level, large patio, outdoor living. Open trusses in living area. All beds on suite. Double garage. Erf size - m2 . Lots of light. Large fire place. Floor size approx m2 .
Have a current extension buikt by orevious owners niw need to sell property no plan in place for alteration
We would like to redo our kitchen. I we are struggling to get the design just right. We looking at a modern country look.
I need to apply for the installation of an electrical meter in the extension to this little house at 1 Kalo Road, Phillippi. Department requires a plan and after requesting a search they have confirmed that a plan does not exist and it is the house owner's responsibility to obtain a plan. I suppose a draftsman could do this adequately as well but I need guidance on what I should do for my boss to obtain this plan and its cost. As my cellphone signal is dreadful here, I can also be reached on please. Thank you!
I would like to build a double-story house.I have an existing house with three bedrooms, a lounge, and a smaller kitchen.I want with 4 bedrooms, lounge, sitting room and a large kitchen
need a price of a house in mahikeng
Double storey house in leveled land with double garage and 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Downstairs 1 garage, 1 bedroom flat with one bathroom and open plan kitchen - plus minus - m2 Need plans for the build - how much will be costing?
in process with the purchase a new property and need an estimate on the extension.
need remodelling.
I want to build a knew home in Ashbuton pmburg. The property size is 2acres is big enough to build a big house