At the moment, I am tax non compliant. I need help on tax return.
I need an accountant to do bookkeeping, monthly payroll, SARS, MEIBC etc.
I need help with company financial projections.
Tax filing and returns
INCOME TAX FROM SALARY. The company I work for hired an Accounting firm to do their tax services and Payroll, the company ended up not doing things so well, my company then decided to fire them. My employer will now be paying our salaries as usual but we will be responsible for our own personal tax submissions and that is something that I need help with. I am able to do it myself but I do not want to and would rather have a professional handle that for me.
I am bit clueless with regards to this as the process is a bit confusing with regards to personal tax and everything that needs to be done.
I need to submit my tax returns. I have outstanding returns that I need to submit from . I have submitted my tax return but I don't know if I did it correctly. I also owe SARS as well as per my tax return.
Looking for someone to assist with payroll on a monthly basis for a high school with approximately 23 employees.
Need assistance with tax returns anually. Previous company I worked for I think I was under rand so did not go in to do returns.