About: HaleFang Construction is a construction company that offers architectural services and construction work in Johannesburg. The company was established in 2011 and is located in Argyle, MAHLOMOLA STREET. HaleFang Construction differs from its competitors by offering a wide range of services, including construction work, architectural services, and project management. The company's mission is to provide quality services to its clients and to create long-term relationships with them. HaleFang Construction's core values are trust, transparency, integrity, and quality.
Looking to build an office hub.
Would like to renovate 2 bathrooms and kitchen
5 bedrooms with a double garage, separate bathroom and toilet. Including laundry room.
i need a drawing for a business plan for a business licence in a residential area
I want to make a huge main bedroom from one end of the house to the other, remove an existing bathroom to the other room currently used as an office, build also a new guest toilet, make an open plan dinning room, remodel the kitchen, remodel a mans cave, put on a german engineered wooden floor, reroof the whole roof with a skylight
I'm planning to build a 3 bedroom house with a single garage
I am planning on moving my garage.
Renovations on my home. This would be for the restructure of my home in Sq meter. It is a guesthouse but need to remodel it.