About: GR Handyman Services is a company that provides handyman services to its customers. The company is located in Berdsig, Groot Brakrivier and offers one-time service, regular maintenance, and handyman services. The company has been in business for over 10 years and has a team of experienced and skilled professionals who are ready to help you with your handyman needs.
Roof window approx x in metal roof. swivel opening and attached blind
2 people gates
Painting of ceilings, walls and doors. Indoors only
Exterior painting and roof painting . The house is sqm
Watsapp and email only though
we need m2 house + 40 m2 garage. I don't need a plumber or a electrician.
Wall 3.4 x 2.6 metres Please quote for paint, labour, call out charges and any other charges include vat please
need painters