Solar panels of at least 6kva to run one freezer, 3 door fridge & freezer combo, 2 TV sets, lights and 0,75 submissable.water pump. Quote hybrid inverter and batteries separately from the panels. There must also be charge controllers (MPPT) and be compatible to feed extra power to the manucipality grid when it allowed to do so in the future We want to buy panels the last week February.
Supply and install DB (surface) with earth leakage, ATS, and double pole circuit breaker (10A). ESKOM supply circuit has 3 phases, with phases separated in the house. backup power supply to be done from 2 alternative points: 1. existing diesel generator (RG-I) 2. future inverter/battery/solar system
Intended use for Fridge, tv, micro oven and about 2 other plugs... Lights optional. I have a flatlet in a 6 storey building, I am on the sixth floor.
Need enough capacity To overcome loadsheding 4 hours...for lights only at a school hostel...40 x 4ft LED lights
We are 25 owners in the Estate. Used to be an old Hotel. Different roof types. Have presently bulck electricity supply from municipality. Will have to investigate how and where to place pannels.
It is for a normal 5 bedroom house