About: GEW Technologies Pty Ltd is located in Persequor Park, Pretoria and offers security system installation services. The company has a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible service to their clients. They offer a wide range of security products and services, including CCTV systems, alarm systems, access control systems, and more. Their goal is to provide their clients with the highest quality security products and services available on the market today.
Need 3 beams And backup battery system with alarm and remotes
I have an existing camera system (the Ajax System). I would like to install 2 new cameras along with the ones I currently have.
We have a shelter in Amandawe, near Scottburgh. Please quote me for installing the burglar alarm as well as monthly fee for monitoring. The house is a 3-bedroom house in Amandawe, next to Thuthukani Bottle Store.
I need full information about the security system first
Alarm system Access Control Installation CCTV