Quote due by Latest 12:00 Thursday 13th May Bill of quantities: PROFILED METAL SHEETING AND ACCESSORIES 0,58mm Thick "Brownbuilt" metal sections, Klip Lok , "Galvanised AZ " roof sheeting colour "Lime white" C1S. Sheeting and accessories fixed to steel structure with galvanised "KL " clips to manufacturer's specifications including sealing strips to laps and seam stitching A Roof covering with pitches not exceeding 25 degrees and with side laps seam stitched m2 29 B Rolled edges at verge m 30 C Cover flashings mm girth m 17 D Counter flashings mm girth m 37 E Side wall flashings mm girth m 3 F Head wall flashings mm girth m 51 G mm x mm Standard fascia gutters fixed to roof sheeting with and including clips m 30 H Extra over for angle No 10 I Extra over for outlet with nozzle for and jointing to x mm diameter rainwater pipe including domical grating No 5
I haver an existing IBR roof with the following issues: Flashing removed at parapet joining at all resulting in leaks all over the roof. Pitch is too low. Wood used is and not . Wood is rotten at some places. Beam in lounge is not according to plan leading to sagging. IBR sheets is still the old solid IBR and can be taken off and put back. I am not sure what the damage is underneath
Could you please quote me on the attached plans for a house at 36 Hillary rd in Mountain Homes. I would like to know which would you recommend, a Chromadek or tiled roof. Could you give me a costing for both, and if you would include the cost of putting either up. An itemized quote would be useful (Tiles / Chromadek & with or without installation) , and the turnaround time for installation would help me plan accordingly. many thanks
I have 2 projects 1 approx 78m2 replace corrugated with ibr., check seal and repair woodwork and barge boards / facials ,almost flat roof..this is a stand alone out building . 1 approx 30 m2 shingles replace with suitable solution. Low slope 10 deg.this is an add on flat to the main house which currently leaks. I need advice on shingles or sheets for the flat. Thanks a mill
We are removing the old scatting and putting a new one (waterproof) in two parking decks and 55 pillars. The scatting is.. 1 ,4 metres long 3,5 metres wide in the parking decks Pillars 1 metres long 3,5 metres wide Old expansion joints to be removed with new watertight sealant. They must be re- tarred and waterproofed over the new sealant X6 x 7 metres X1 x 23,3 metres Grids X4 x 1,4 metres long and metres wide Drains (replacement of old drain covers with steel drain covers)... X47 Reinstate full bore drains (blanked with concrete and install new drainage pipe and new full- bore drain X7 Waterproof of skylight and replacement 6 cracked glasses X6 glasses x 1,8 metres x 1 metre Waterproof the whole pump house, walls and floors 11,2 metres x 2 metres
The existing IBR flat roof is leaking. It is an extension to an old Claremont house and the flat roof covers the kitchen area. It has a ceiling which will need some touch up and repainting. I am wanting to replace the roof with either Galvinised IBR 0.5mm or Chromadek IBR 0.5mm. I estimate we will need 13 IBR sheet (about 9 m wide) of 4,5m lengths.
I have an open balcony on top of a concrete slab. Under the balcony is my scullery as well as a bedroom. Between the tiled floor and the wall around the balcony, water is leaking into the scullery and bedroom. The leaks are only just where the roof and the wall meets, not any other places on the roof. In the corner of the bedroom you can also see the damp on the wall, just opposite the one outlet of the water on the balcony.
Specification: Waterproofing to concrete retaining walls to be one layer Derbigum CG4 waterproofing membrane, with mm side laps and mm end laps, sealed to primed surfaces by means of 'torch-fusion', to receive Delta MS8 Delta MS8 preformed high density polyethylene dimpled drainage and protection layer to receive compacted fill, to engineers specification, on top of geo drainage pipe system as per engineer's specification. Waterproofing to be installed by an Approved Derbigum Contractor under a 10-year guarantee. Dimple drain to receive a cover flashing to protect waterproofing membrane from stone falling between waterproofing membrane and dimple drain during compaction and construction
Hi I hope you are well. We build container homes. I am looking for suppliers for our business that can supply. Delivery Option 1 16 x 9m Flat Roof 7 Gumpoles Flushing all round Colourbond IBR Option 2 9 x 9m Flat Roof 5 Gumpoles Flushing All round Colourbond IBR I look forward to hear back from you. Kind regards, Roelof
Good day. We are planning to move into a house, but the thatched roof is leaking. I can see the black underlayer, as it is sticking out. It seems as if there is no underlayer, or if the wiring got loose. The area, according to me, which need to be fixed is about 2x2 meters. Kindly send me a quote on a worst case scenario. Thank you! Regards