I am planning this for January.
3bedroom home, 2 bath n 2garages open plan and butterfly roof
Perimeter wall that needs fixing which was damaged by a car.
Need quote to build a new house and pool
Additional bathroom and 2 bedrooms
I want to build a 3 bedroom house with the main bedroom on one end of the house and the other two on the other end. In between the bedrooms may be the kitchen lounge and dining room, all open plan. Each bedroom must have a built-in wardrobe. How much do you charge per square meter? 2. I need a draftsman to draw the plans for me I am situated in a rural area. Thank you
To extend the L-shaped existing garage, I have the plans already it's just a small simple project. I will show you what I am looking for once contacted. Hope to hear from you soon
I have square meters of ground And want to build 4 new tech homes The plans for my house are almost finalised, I need a cost estimation, how much do you charge per square meter? I want to compare the prices and thereafter I will appoint a contractor. We can chat on Whatsapp.
Extend existing garage, and dining room