Choosing exterior and interior house paint - should you consult a professional?
A lot goes into what paints you should use to update your home’s interior and exterior paint colours.
House: Exterior Walls + Roof Double Garage: Exterior Walls + Roof + Doors Property Perimeter Wall: Plastered, both sides to be painted + Gates. Single Garage: Roof + Walls + Door
Average size 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house in Tlhabane West. To be painted white with washable PVA. Bathrooms coloured PVA. Doors white gloss
Walls need painting
Make sure its nice
Front of house, wall needs to be prepared and painted. Front fence and exterior garage wall too.
Painting of 2 bedrooms and small open plan lounge dining
Walls and ceilings and window frames & doors
One colour for ceiling one for walls. Kindly call me after 15:30 today as I am in a meeting.