Lighting: fitting of new bulbs where necessary & attending to the wiring system that makes even the new ones to stop working. It is very very urgent. Quick response is expected. Deal to be made on first come first served basis.
need electrician to connect geyser
Goeie naand. My karavaan se kragboks binne afgeskop. Iets ruik na brand. Geen krag wat deurkom na karavaan. Kan iemand my more ,24 Des hier kom uithelp asb?
need electrician
Need a certificate to reconnect power supply
I require someone to perform the following: 1. service and purify my oil transformer. Specs: Kva, 3.3kV/V, DY11 I also want to enquire about rates for labor when installing a standard V DB Box (All material supplied), this box feeds 3 pumps Lastly, I would like to enquire about labor rates to perform faultfinding. Pump is in working order but does not work
There was a power failure. Due to that the microwave and kettle does not work. Seems like an electrical problem.
The fridge & microwave are tripping the main switch