I was served with divorce papers March and signed them on the 3rd of March but even to date I haven't heard anything from the other party,I have the papers as proof with me and I would really love to be helped with this matter and resolve it once and for all so that I can move on with my life
Good day i would like to know hoe much it will cost me to help me now friday 14 february with a sexual harassment protection order my mother inlaw made a protection order stating that i am harressing her dauther sexually me and her dauther is in a relationship and i have not haressing her we do have one child together as i am speaking me and her dauther is living together and i you can help me how much will it cost and will you be available on the 14 february of this month
I received a protection order last year at work the Lady says I bully her and they team up with her friend against me, I was going to the court the whole last year, they give MTN to investigate those numbers we didn't get response till today, I make my own investigation take to court but they didn't bother looking at it or further the investigation now I received a letter of court order which say I need to not around this lady, I also sent my Protection order towards her because ever since we attending the court she was very abusive to me she made sure when I'm alone she does all those things. I was not happy about the court addressing at all I see the magistrate was biase towards me
I am Nicola medical rep I need a labour lawyer to help me get back on the marked I have been black mail from my previous employer but unfortunately can not prove it We departed with a mutual agreement due to that I could no longer work under that circumstance with a colleague that has treated me ill I have been declined by probably 20 other companies I have won 🏆 the reward for the best rep of the year and have previously won 4 best rep of the year In the last 7 years I was with this company
Greetings Enquire about business visa/permit application from a business investor, he has already started building a property development for short term , request for quote for your services, already he has registered a company with cipc, business account, tax clearance certificate, UIF and COIDA in process of registration. What other necessary documents are required and how long will the process take
I am dealing with a narcissistic ex husband that is trying to make everything difficult. He pays maintenance late, he hasn't increased the agreed annual increase for maintenance and he refuses to talk about it. He also picks up our son every 2nd weekend for the weekend but most of the times refuse to bring him back on the Sunday, say I should be driving to fetch him. He is insulting and difficult. I need assistance to move forward please.
I was married incommunity of property, as per our court decree the house and furniture was supposed to be sold, and proceeds to devided equally, we didn't sell the house, however my ex re-registered the house into to her and her husband's name without my concent and knowledge, now there's a double registration on the house and a double title deed.
Good day my husband had filed for divorce in May of last year and he never went to finalize it. I went to the court in Port Alfred to find out where the papers are to change my surname back to the maiden name and they say it's still not there. It is a uncontested divorce. I really would like to know how to make the procedure quicker. Unfortunately due to moving my summons paper has been misplaced and don't know my case number is.
I sent a letter of demand claiming a sum of monies owed to me. the defendant claims he now owes me nothing but the i have received no money except the initial portion he sent me during the 3rd of September. I need a to go through the small claims court but he is based in cape town currently and I am in Joburg. i Have multiple pieces of evidence that he still owes me a sum of money.
I was dissmissed at work. I need help with the case at CCMA. Was initially given final warning by the first chairperson of the disciplinary hearing then somehow someone swayed the company to review. Please look at my case that's the only way u will pick up " something fishy" that happened. Through out the case they wanted it to be on teams online. I'm the only person they have disciplined online. I've attached some of the documents to give you a little background. Please help me.