a 8m gate ( three garage door space )
Good Morning, hope you are well. Please can you send me an Urgent quote WITH INSTALLATION for the following in Bloemfontein. 1 x 10m x 10m x 1.6m High Palisade Fence with Vehicle Access Sliding for Motor Vehicle. 1 x 10m x 10m Diamond Mesh Fencing (gewone draad heining) with Pedestrian Gate. Please address All quotes and Invoices to: DELPHIUS CIT (PTY) LTD UNIT F2 TILLBURY BUSINESS PARK 16TH ROAD RANDJESPARK MIDRAND REG NO: //07 VAT NO: POSTAL ADDRESS: PO BOX Lynwood Ridge Pretoria
Please email me. I will be able to arrange pick up of materials.
I require the supply/installation of galvanized, stainless steel - razor spiked palisade fencing for the front of my property, will serve as a boundary wall (I estimate the length of the fence to be 35m). I will also require a sliding gate that will open/close in my drive way that leads into my double garage.
Refurbishing of my current picket fence - wooden
I need a gate for 6 foot wall at townhouse unit. See attached picture below as example. Exactly like this only 6 foot and grey in colour.
Wil need 1gate 3,5meters and 1gate 4,5meters