Clinic topic, getting a webpage redesign. Will also need some quotations for SEO and digital marketing
SEO whitehat
So what I want is a business/e commerce site call it Order a Chef .The site is a platform that allows people to order in a Chef to prepare a meal for them .The concept is similar to Fiverr. On the page should be a facility where Chefs can sign up ,payments can be made electronically e.g payfast, and there should be Profiles of the Chefs displayed.
need a website for a shopping mall, maybe with the e-commerce extension
I have written a book which is now being sold on Amazon.com; Amazon.com.uk; Amazon.in; Google Play and various other platforms. I need to learn how to use Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. .
will explain the wishes when you contact me
I want to start ranking on Google
I am looking for a really good dating website which I can put all the categories I want. I have attached a document containing most of the important features I wish to see on the website.