Current system is problematic and needs an upgrade.
Alternative (Whatsapp) number is: . Whatsapp number is that of , my mother in law.
Good day, I have an electric portable fan/heater and the main wiring/cable is torn. I have already seen a spark coming from the problem area. Please assist. Thank you.
Alternative (Whatsapp) number is: Whatsapp number is that of Heidi, my mother in law.
Please contact me on Whatsapp or email. I need an electric fence that will be installed across the perimeter of the fence. I need anti-theft gate as well, a gate should be 6m length and 2.5m high manufactured with steel.
Req.price of ET slide gate motor. Please quote on supply only of gate motor mentioned and cost of supply + installation of the gate motor.
Hi, I am the landlord of a property (6 businesses and 6 flats) in Stellenbosch. In terms of the TID Rollover , the prepaid meters of the flats must be replaced and all the businesses require prepaid meters. Furthermore, the building is old and needs to be rewired in order to comply. Thank you.
I need 5 Analogue cameras replaced I already have the replacement cameras