-Website needed for law firm that specializes in the Sport & Entertainment Law industry. -5 pages. -Colours - black, white, grey and some accent colour. -Pictures/graphics wanted - Sport, Music, Fashion, TV & Film, Media roughly monthly budget for digital marketing is about R
50 product women clothing
As this is a church site, with your experience of web design, advise how money pages would be sufficient.
we want e commerce website similar to daddy dealshttps://daddysdeals.co.za/ we are in a hurry because it is start up company
Hi, Looking at a highly interactive website. To work with Affiliate marketing type concept and host different suppliers of mostly content. Product offering to be a later extension of business. Automated calculation of bonuses, commissions and referral commissions required as well as automated payouts. Must be able to handle high volumes of people and content without crashing. Not sure if hosting is part of your offer as well? Let me know Thanks
interior design and decorator company simple website we will be able to upload photos as well and remove on a later stage home page, about us, gallery nice, affordable and elegant budget about , established in February
Can you give us a price based on a new website with the following features: - static info pages with similar menus and content as currently (without management pages) incl. blog pages - CMS based page for dynamic content (property listing pages). We will handle the population of all listings. These pages should accommodate i) name & type/size; ii) area; iii) description; iv) photos; v) location (map); vi) features & facilities - plugin on listing pages from Nightsbridge for online availability, rates and reservations - plugin on listing pages from Paygate for checkout / payment If you could also provide a timeframe for this please?
Online learning fully interactive Registration and payment by PayPal or card