There is a 2 room with one garage
Just simple 2 bedrooms with bathroom open lounge and kitchen
An existing three-bedroom double-storey house to be extended to add two bedrooms, a walking cupboard, a pyjama lounge&two balconies upstairs. Demolition of walls to give way for kitchen and bathroom extensions downstairs and addition of a single garage. Extension of the front stoep roof. Electrical, plumbing and kitchen, bathroom and cupboard fittings
We are looking at building (nutech) a 1 bedroom house which is approximately 70 square meters, it must have an open plan kitchen, dining area, bathroom and a single garage
Unfinished structure, that still need to be altered, and roofing.
Build above my double garage. Need a new lounge, dinning room, kitchen and main bedroom with ensuite upstairs. Double garage to be attached. Downstairs 2 bedrooms.
I just want to extend my kitchen by 2 square meters and then fix the whole roof (I am not sure of the square meters of the roof) Please feel free to contact me after 15:00
2nd single garage extension. Flat 6mx9m main house extension.
I would like to build a 1 bedroom 25m² - 30m² flat, plain and simple with an open plan kitchen, dining area and a bathroom.
So want to replace toilets, basins and the plumbing pipes are outside walls want them on the inside of the wall. Want to replace the shower in the main bathroom with a shower door n tiled fully The second bathroom has a tub want to put a shower. Also tiled fully. The bathroom is 7sqm each wants to update the fixtures with a more modern look Hi no problem if unable to get me on phone feel free to Whatsapp me as I can send pictures of my bathroom and pics of bathrooms I would like but within budget