Just 2 cars carpots
Barbed wire (in rolls) to be affixed/secured to retaining structure ''wall'' in order to prevent intruders climbing retaining structure and gaining access to the property. So lengths of razor wire to be affixed to retaining structure/wall in order to prevent intruders from climbing up the structure/wall. Also required in possibly a new fence will razor wire for a small section adjacent to the retaining structure/wall.
This will be a cantilever system in front of three garages Please can you quote on a single car cantilever system aswell.
2.4m high
We have a storm water inlet (covered by a metal grid) on our driveway/parking area. Due to water-overflow or other reasons, the paving around the water-inlet got damaged (paving is sagging) . it might cause an open hole next to the water inlet and because it is in the middel of a driveway, might cause damage to vehicles. Suspect we need to support the paving with a concrete foundation around the water inlet.
The height would be about 6 feet and I need a pedestrian and a sliding gate.