Please email me. I am in meetings most of the day and unable to take calls. I need 2 stable doors replaced, I have the doors, locks, handles, and new brass hinges. I need my living room ceiling repainted approx 8 x 6 meter. I have a small step or plinth outside my kitchen door that needs to be tiled. Existing tiles removed and new tiles laid. I have the tiles. They are x Moroccan tiles. Please can you provide an hourly rate or day rate and advise how long it will take en when you can fit us in.
Electrical stove gives error message.
We've cracked our shower arm and need it replaced or repaired. We hand the house back tomorrow, time key.
Hang new door and fix another
all of the above == ceilings facias etc need to be replaced
Back door replacing Install new lights at existing points Replace extractor fan in Bathroom Put new fireplace flute through roof with necessary insulation Thanks
Apart from a leak in the bathroom, I also have water flowing into my flat from an open balcony. The slope of the tiles needs to be adjusted so the water flows away towards the drain. Please I need an expert for the best advice and quotes.
I am available on Whatsapp, Whatsapp call and email. See pictures attached of things around the house that need repairing.
Sliding door jammed, went off track