Id like spitbraai catering for +-50guests 13.01.24. Colour scheme is black, turquoise and silver. Need plates, desert bowls, cutlery, tables, chairs, table cloths(black), table runners(turquoise), chair bags(black) chair ties (turquoise)
30th birthday finger foods
I am looking to do a site inspection and building plans for backroom flats, I need the services of an architect to assist with maximizing the potential of the land.
Greetings. I hope you are well. On the 27th of October we (NMU Drama Society) will be having a closing function at North Campus from 16:00 - 19:00. Could you please provide a quotation for catering, we will require only 2 meals (Main Meal + Dessert). This event is for people. If juice is not included in the package, please provide a separate quotation for it. Warm regards (Chairperson)
Kindly note that the facility I require quotations for is currently non - functional and is an engineering facility in Grabouw, it used to be a Key Point facility and has been abandoned for a number of years now.
Spit braai with sides
I want food catered for both Saturday and Sunday I wanna know how much am i going to be charged.
Would like to know what it could cost for roast beef in gravy, with baby potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli in cheese sauce. And roast chicken , Basically a rough estimate for 40 guest