I want to the cost with and without installation
- palisade with spikes 3 meter length, height 2.5 meter - square tube 76 × 76, 3 meters - Triangle Pole caps - 1 Complete 6 meter gate same design as palisades - 20 square solid bar 10 × 10 - 2 hinges - 1 pedestrian round solid bar for gate to run on - 4 wheels for 6 meter gate if gate doesn't have wheels - 2 Ultra locks The quatation must only be for purchasing not installation.
the clearvu fence must have m long electrical upper wires, there must also be remote controlled gate and biometrics access gate.
Request the above quotation to done as urgent as possible
Set up of barb wire and Electric Fence. Probably with the Gate if you guys provide it
Set up of barb wire and Electric Fence. Probably with the Gate if you guys provide it