I want to build a uSave shopping centre, liquour shop, 3 other shop and an ATM. The land is in Bushbuckridge.
Current flat roof . 3 different directions separated by parapet walls. Rood needs to be redesigned. Move away from flat roof with parapets to A frame. Possible problem: One small section is a second story. Innovative design required
Damaged gutters from storm
My roof is starting to leak all over the house in random places.
I require waterproofing on my roof
3 roomed house with garage.
Waterproofing to the balcony: Aluminum doors will be removed to the balcony. Aluminum doors and frames will be wrapped in bubble wrap and stored in the garage for safekeeping until re-installation. All cement and waterproofing layers will be chopped up and removed off-site from the balcony. Rubble skip will be on-site and removed once it is filled. All existing waterproofing will be removed. mm Turn-ups will be chopped off in order to apply the waterproofing application onto the bricks. Existing outlets will be removed. New 63mm Flange outlets will be fitted to the parapet walls to allow water to discharge outside of the balcony. Screed-to-fall will be done to ensure water runs out of the outlets, and that there will be no water ponding in any areas. 50x75mm Angle will be fitted where the door will be fitted to prevent water from running back into the rooms. The waterproofing application will consist of the following: x2 Coats of Mapei-Lastic Mapei-tape to all turn-ups and corners and into the cavities. Mapei-net the flat surface x1 coat will be applied, followed by the Mapei-net and Mapei-tape being applied on top of the 1st coat. 2nd coat will be applied over all of the above-mentioned after 24 hours. Aluminum doors and frames will be re-fitted. Turn-ups and bands around the frames will be plastered to a smooth finish. Waterproofing application and plaster will be left for x3 days before the painting and tiling can commence. New tiles will be installed.
Renovate house ,build new garage and flat on top
I want to build a rural home, with enough space but not too big rooms.