We would like to build a 4 bedroomed, double storey house, X2 Garages, x2 Bathrooms, X1 large living space. House to be build in rural area, in Sterkspruit, +/- kms from Bloemfontein. However, there's no building plans except just a piece of land to build on. All I need is an idea of how much such a property could cost, building plans, landscaping and construction. Would also appreciate your advice and guidance.
Current structure is a 3 bedroom house with an out building total area is approx sq.meters site area is aprox sq meters. I want a single storey 4 bedroom house (main one with a walk in closet,) garage for 4-6 cars, entrainment area with bar and swimming pool, open plan . Attached are rough ideas of what I have in mind (I'm open to other ideas of course.
Hallo. Ek wil graag idees he hoe om my seun se woonstel atmosfeer te gee. Hy het in n woonstel ingetrek sien fotos aangeheg. Kussings, iets teen mure, bedlampies, kuns plante, lamp, ornament en dalk n mat. Kleurskema by fotos. Hy wil nog n tv cabinet kry om die inverter en batterye in te sit. Kan u asb eers vir my n kwotasie gee wat dit sal kos om vir my die raad te gee. Groete
We require an update to a previously approved plan (attached m). The plans are no longer to our taste and the extensions are larger than we currently require. The intention is to more effectively create useful spaces on a smaller footprint and creating a better integration with the limited yard space and to reduce the amount of space available for parking.
The type of project is student accommodation. There is an existing building has 8 units, a communal kitchen and a communal bathroom. The extension should consist of about 44 units including the existing structure. The unit must be singles. We can discuss the sharing and other facilities once you have developed a concept. Please advise on your rate and how you like to work
I want to turn the property into a double story. The land itself is a bit tricky though so I need someone who can come out and do a site visit and check if that is possible. I am in Johannesburg and the property is in Durban. There are people around though so they will be able to facilitate a site visit.
Installation of insulated dry walls on two sides between existing columns under existing IBR roof. Installation of electric up and over door in existing arched entrance. One drywall to be studded to carry batteries and switchgear by others. Existing brick paved surface to be retained. Full frontal and side views for Trustee approval. Two sets of proposal drawings are required for two similar garages on the same site.
I have no idea if I even chose the right sqm. That's how clueless I am. I need house plans drawn up for an open plan bar style house. I have a very good idea of what I'd like the house to look like on the inside and outside. It will be a 5 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom, very open plan on a sqm erf in the shape of an L?
This is just a rough draft and the measurements on it are subject to change. We would like to obtain a quote from you for the cost of redrawing the plans based on the provided rough draft. This would involve refining the layout, ensuring accuracy, and incorporating the additional details and specifications to be outlined in the notes to be discussed in further communication. Additionally, please include any consultation or revision fees in your quote. We are also interested in determining the amount of land required to implement these plans effectively. As such, we kindly request your expertise in assessing the land size needed for the proposed facilities, taking into account factors such as building footprints, outdoor spaces, and circulation areas.
I need plans for the following changes to my family property : 1. Building of a wall around the property including leveling of yard . 2 . Plans for an additional two bedroom guest home 3. Extention of drive way from current size to 4 meters wide 4. Layout of yard suggestions for maximum usage 5. Internal renovation or maximum usage of my unique “doll house layout of main house “