interior design and decorator company simple website we will be able to upload photos as well and remove on a later stage home page, about us, gallery nice, affordable and elegant budget about , established in February
Can you give us a price based on a new website with the following features: - static info pages with similar menus and content as currently (without management pages) incl. blog pages - CMS based page for dynamic content (property listing pages). We will handle the population of all listings. These pages should accommodate i) name & type/size; ii) area; iii) description; iv) photos; v) location (map); vi) features & facilities - plugin on listing pages from Nightsbridge for online availability, rates and reservations - plugin on listing pages from Paygate for checkout / payment If you could also provide a timeframe for this please?
Online learning fully interactive Registration and payment by PayPal or card
I am musician and I want to increase my followers on all social media (facebook, instagram etc.) can we make arrangement for payment twice a year or monthly
Personal website for videographer, 5 pages home, about me, services, contact me
TODAY 12:39 Hi! 🙋🏽 It's Ana from ProCompare. I just received your request for a Website design. Can Pros contact you on this number? 12:41 Yes thanks 12:41 Can you briefly describe your wishes (website topic, which pages ...)? Do you have a deadline for this project? 12:46 Website for a microlending company Would like a client portal where the client can see their loan accounts etc. Would like to be able to amend it myself A home page Have an apply now page where the client has a slider where they can put what amount they need and it will give them a brief understanding of what their repayment will be Then once they click apply now take them to pages to fill in details A FAQ page A contact us now page
Basic website to market affordable accommodation. Optimization to appear top of area searches.
I just need a basic website with 2 to 5 pages that will showcase what we do, as well as our products and be easily understandable and to navigate. And a logo design.
topic is 3d printers and spares suppliers, Desktop cnc machinery spares and components, manufacturing and distributing. desktop technology. Desktop cnc milling and lathework, 3 axis, 4 axis and 5 axis machinery, and robotics.
We are new company, established in January , aluminium windows and gates business, would like to activate more our social media marketing and SEO