more hoop jul verstaaan AFR. ek en Louis - my ex man- was getroud vir 41 jr kry die14 Aug. 'n oproep van sy vriend se ''aan-af'' girlfriend Louis was teenwoordig met die selfoon gesprek. dit word toe bekend gemaak hy het 'n dubbele lewe van min/meer 9jr :: waarin hy en vriende die swart trust gebiede besoek het :: acornhoek, phalaborwa, tzan, ens ...... na die gesprek vra ek hom 3 keer of dit die waarheid is: louis ERKEN DIT 3KEER as die waarheid ons is geskei in aug die 2 seuns het toe alreeds so semi die plase se bestuur oorgeneem toe my familie van Louis se stories hoor - het hulle hom eers van die plaas verban. verbied om kontak te he, MAAR 1 v/d skoondogters praat haar man om:: ""gee tog vir pa nog 'n kans"" louis is nou weer besig om die seuns te bullshit - speel pa v/d jaar - act heilig, maar ek het toe na alles eers bewus geword van sy klein maniertjies om dinge weg te steek. 3 inwoners van die gemeenskap het al gese louis is WEER BESIG MET SY OU DINGE , maar tipies wil niemand se wat en waar nie hy het in daai tyd ook in die sitrus / mango boorde sy ding gedoen. vir daai tyd voordat die bom gebars het , het ons gesin in 'n BUBBLE GELEWE. al hoekom ek hom op heterdaad wil vastrek - is met KONKRETE BEWYSE - foto's en ..... dan sal die seuns dit glo want hy neem alweer sy plek in die plaas se organisasie in asof daar NOOIT ENIGE IETS WAS NIE die keer gaan ek hulle beskerm - voordat dit te laat is met die eerste bekendmaking het veral hulle - seuns - verskriklik swaar gekry, dit het hulle HARD GETREF
Yes , I want to book my mother in for therapy countless times she has been gambling with my dad’s money. And blames it on she is broke however she does not sleep with hunger , last night she took poison trying to kill herself because she had took money and gambled again this hurts my dad very much because he works hard for that money , I am worried that we might loose them both because of this
Evening I need help. I don't know how to express myself. I keep on hurting my ex girlfriend emotionally. I don't know why. And she's "got" someone else and it hurts me. I feel depressed. I can't eat. It's like I'm repeating her emotions that I gave her when we were dating. We have a child together. And she can feel all the emotions whenever something happens between us. And I keep on hurting her when I have indulged in alcohol, and alcohol I wish to stop drinking as well. Help me.
Tried to convince my Partner to go to counciling she refused tried to adress the issues but she tell me to go and devorce her she keeps on asking for chances just to go and do the things again that i see as an problem in our relationship like drinking wile im away for a month os sometimes two and i fee she is putting our sons welbeing at risk by being under the influence and being alone with my child at home having parties with money thats supposed to go for my child not paying the bills leaving me to in the dept
Hello,illegal occupants on my father's property first offered to purchase the land for R50 bt the offer wad rejected because the land value is R ..now suddenly they claim to own the land &have conjured up fake documents,with the help of the Botshabelo municipality..Deeds office in Bloemfontein still claims even today that thr property belongs to my late father..God bless
Hello! I wish to know the financial position and performance of a company I am in conflict with (breach of contract) for me to take informed decision to go into damages claim litigation or not. Now I need to know whether such an investigation is feasible with you for their past, present and what could be projected future financial performance. Should it be possible what could be your rates and lead time for delivery? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards,
Got involved in a car accident while driving with another car in . Bloods were taken at clinic, got detained for alleged drunken driving but got released on bail to appear the in court the following day. Appeared in court and prosecutor said to wait to be called when blood results are back but till today nothing and it's been more than three years since COVID which they said delayed the results. Approached at some point the investigating officer but he couldn't find the docket it's lost and so I suspect fowl play or that the bloods themselves are no more. I can't do important things in life because of this active status pending case and can't get police clearance. I'd like to know what is happening here and if the bloods are there or if they were even tested. So how much if you will be able to do such an investigation?
I cheated on my girlfriend multiple times in the past,I had so much lust controlling me,I ended up leaving her,that broke her to pieces,that even after forgiving me over and over I left her and moved on with someone else,I then regretted it,I missed her so much,I realised how much I love her,I always loved her but I didn't treat her right,now we got back together and are trying to fix things but she keeps on leaving me cause she's reminded of everything I did,the moment we're happy she has flash backs and remembers what I did and feels the need to pull herself away from me even though I truly have changed,we love each other,we need help so she can forgive me and we need help to move forward together cause we do want to get married but the trauma I caused her is too much for her to handle.
We don't have medical aid and my boyfriend doesn't currently work. We both have past trauma, I come from childhood abuse and his I would like to think it is his story to tell. We would like to work on our communication as this is a major issue. We also are very different he is an introvert INTP and I am very direct and a extrovert ESFP . We both know that we need individual counseling as well. So our only challenge we face right now is budget.
Can discuss when we meet!!!