Birthday celebration with no Hassle; Good Roast Potatoes with Butternut Beans Spinach Rare-Beef-Slices Eat dinner around 19h30 to finish in an hour when Cutlery and crockery collected and taken away!
Is it possible for the caterers to bring bords and cutlery and for the caters to clean up after the event. The people will eat at 15:00 and will be finished around 16:30 to 17:00
Good evening would like to have a spitbraai with whole sheep and 3 chickens please if ypu can give me a qoute on that please
children's party, approximately 25 kids and 40 adults. Platters needed for afternoon snacks between 2 and 5pm. Halaal required, no beef. Warmers for any plated food that needs to be kept warm cutlery and crockery
16th birthday
I would prefer to be contacted on Whatsapp. I am looking for a simple easy dinner. My cousin did "build your own burgers" and I loved the idea. So something along those lines would be spectacular :)