I need assistance with my personal income tax returns as I cannot resolve this by myself due to a disability. I also have a different tax issue where I also need some assistance. Someone close to me was told that they were sent the payout from SARS but it turns out someone else used their particulars to do e-filing and the payout was sent to them instead of my friend. Kindly advise soon.
Good day, I would like to request a quotation on accounting services for 3rd party Road Accident Fund trusts. These trusts are by Court Order and a trustee is appointed to manage the funds. Mostly these cases are for loss of income and general damages. A capital amount is received once or twice, depending on the settling of court case, the trustee is responsible to manage and invest the funds for the sole purpose for the one beneficiary. There aren't a lot of transaction on a monthly basis as the beneficiary of the trust, in most cases, will receive a monthly payment and the capital is being invested at an approved investment house through a financial planner. Herewith a description of the services required: MONTHLY: - Capturing of bank statements with +- 10 - 20 monthly transactions; (bank charges, interest, management fees, distribution payment to beneficiary, medical supplier payment etc.) - Capturing of investment statements from different funds with +- 20 - 40 monthly transactions; (interest, management fees, payment to general bank account for distribution to beneficiary, fair value adjustments, switching capital between funds) 6 MONTHLY: - Report from trail balance containing: account balances, interest received, beneficiary distributions, management fees, fair value adjustments. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: - Compiling of Annual Financial Statements. SARS: - Income Tax registration; - Submitting IT12 annually; - Submitting IRP6 bi-annually; - Audit (if applicable (per hour)) AUDITING: - Auditing of the trust by an independent auditor registered with IRBA. We kindly await your feedback. Thank you.
Transport business looking to pay employees on a monthly basis. I would like the entire payroll function inclusive of submissions to SARS and Department of Labour to be done. I’d be able to capture worked hours and make actual payments myself to workers but I’d need the rest of the accounting administrative functions handled.
We have a Guesthouse in Somerset West. Our company (Pty Ltd) is VAT registered. Right now we are working with Sage Software and doing the bookings ourselves. Therefor we need a professional for VAT statement, Financial Statement and Tax services (Company and Private). Whenever possible we would like to continue with SAGE Software. Starting point would be new Business Year.
Onsight processing using Sage Pastel. Processing receipts +- line items (tithing and other donations); processing expenses +- items (ministry, property exps, project costs to ECD centres, welfare organisation international office exps). Many of the receipts and some expenses are premapped. Welfare organisation uses Project Codes. Enough work for 3 days a week.
I have a very small business which has been operational for 2 years (turnover less than R per annum). It started as a passion project and to earn a little extra income aside from my profession. However, I am taking it more seriously and I am not very clued up about taxes. The business is registered with CIPC and has a tax number, however I have not submitted returns nor paid any taxes for the 2 years that it is in operation. I would like guidance from a professional on how to best structure my business taxes. I have also been transferring money from my business bank account to my personal bank account over these 2 years which I know will affect my personal taxes (personal taxes up to date). I also want to start paying myself an income from my business so that I may show an increase in my earnings that will allow me to apply for finance for a home/vehicle etc. I am not sure how to go about this. I am looking for an accounting firm that is reasonably priced to assist a micro business. Thank you!
Hi guys, Looking for a monthly booking keep cost for - - TV - (tomfoolery.tv) -Dovehill Body Corporate Please send 2X separate quotes for above. In both quote please list book keeping as a monthly cost and audited financial statement as a once off cost. Monthly transaction for Dovehill are 5 - 10. Monthly transaction for tomfoolery are 50 - . For please include Vat. Looking forward to hearing from you
Bookkeeping is done monthly on SAGE, but I need to get someone to clear a 3 year backlog of annual financial statements and tax returns and then keep things up to date annually. My auditor sold his practice and the new group want to charge exorbitant fees to get these done. I am based in Australia but can be contacted via email or whatsapp.
Please send me a quote. I thought I want to sort out everything. I have 2 entities. Abaguquli - Non-Profit Company and PBO – I need to get the EMP and an audit done. My PAYE is quite up to date Abaguquli4IR – For-profit company and I need a financial strategy done. I have a few things I want to do and I want the financials to lead me. I have attached a profile, but you can also see our website, I am having it updated. Thanks please let me know if you are keen. Regards,
I am looking for the services of a chartered accountant who can perform an annual audit. We used to get our books done and financial statements sorted by a chartered accountant but stopped doing so because of legal requirements changing. The laws have now changed again and have indicated that we need a chartered accountant for our financial statements again.