Avoid making these mistakes for a safer electric fence
Although electric fences have many benefits to their owners, they are dangerous and can lead to severe injuries to both people and animals.
Hi there, I need a quote on 15x15m with 2 small gates, 1.2m high please.
Hi there, I need a quote on 15x15m with 2 small gates, 1.2m high please
Hi there, I need a quote on 15x15m with 2 small gates, 1.2m high please
2meter by 1.8meter
There is a gap between the existing fence and the wall. I need someone to assist me with the correct fencing material to go with. I need a gate as well with the gate.
Double garage door for eastern cape Mount Frere
Front on 5.4m french 2m high with 2.6m sliding gate.Side on 8m french 2m high.