1. Aluminum window frame side hug .4off ( PTT ) and 2off (PTT ) 2. Aluminum window frame top hug PT59 4off and PT99 1off 3. Aluminum window frame top hug PTTTT 3off 4. Aluminum window frame top hug PT 4off 5. Standard Aluminum folding door mmxmm (1off) , mmxmm (1off), xmm(1off) and standard aluminum door mmx (1off)
The project is a campus for a primary and high school. Precise measurements are pending. I would like a preliminary quote based on the information available on the rough draft. Ignore the measurements on the draft, take into account the number buildings and rooms. Ignore the distances between the buildings as that is also subject to change.
There’s an existing Boundary wall that needs to be demolished and reconstructed the wall is out of municipal lines and is built on top of the drain but the main reason for demolition is because the boundary wall wasn’t built prope from the first place. I need plans for a Garage and 2 Flatlets each with own toilet and shower.
We live in a VERY old house - almost years old. Our wooden floorboards have been almost completely destroyed by time, neglect, and wood borer. Previously, my mother was staying in the house and was advised that she'd need to sand the floorboards down to bare wood before exterminators could come and pour poison down but she only had a weekend to do it so all the remaining boards have been very poorly sanded with a hand-sander. We are asking for quotes to just do the kitchen for now as there is a big hole where the boards have snapped - but over time we hope to do the entire house when we can afford it.
I am looking to build a flat from my existing garage and out building.
Currently three separate rooms 1) small shower 2) small loo & basin. 3) loo + shower + basin & vanity. Required : knock down 2 walls, lift floor and wall tiles, cement/screed floors and walls, install one large wet room with 1 wall mounted loo, one large shower, one basin with vanity and one bathtub. I'd like exposed copper pipes throughout.
1. Complete toilet make over, toilet pot, basin, shower, move geyser and tiling 2. Build block wall in lounge on side and infront and put in sliding door 3. Open up bedroom and build wall 4. Ceiling in lounge areas with cornice and skirtings and do floor with tiles 5. Put roof on side alley with gutter and cement the floor 6. Fix 2 potholes in garage 7. Build wall along side of lounge and bedroom to the back 8. Put double kitchen sink in kitchen 9. Remove kitchen sliding door and put in lounge and close the area with blocks in kitchen area where sliding door was removed. 10. All walls must be plastered as well.
We plan to build a simple rectangular shaped, south-facing, open-plan house with large patio.2 bedrooms with en suite bathrooms and 1 garage/carport. The stand nr 53 Island View drive in Kleinbaai is fairly flat with only a gradual slope from North to South. We prefer exposed clay-brick finish both inside and out. Slightly angled flat roof rising towards the south(Chromadeck).Cemcrete floor finishes throughout.No tiles except in showers.
I'm looking for someone to build a boundary wall in front of my house. We do have walls in front but it needs to be taken down to build the new wall. Wall specifications: > 2-2.5m high. >Double brick wall. >Right side of the gate is the wall 13m in length and the left side is 1m in length. We do not have an idee how we want the wall to look but we are in the proses of searching for something.