sqm. Need a quote for internal painting as well as external painting.
Need a certificate to reconnect power supply
Hi, I need a quote for a 4 bedroom house plus a flatlet painted, as well as the garage doors and exterior and interior windows.
year old cape Dutch house built in an H shape. With 6 gables. 3 garages and 2 cottages Old wine press barn with 3 gables.
Flat roof it leaks I have used metal sheets I feel it does not slope enough for the water to run
just exterior wall
Hi we are hoping to get a new painting,white specifically with white tiling, our kitchen is small and outdated so just want to get rid of everything in there. From there just wow us with the rest of the work. We need a new look in the house. The area that needs to be painted is about x looking at the plan , that is 3 rooms, 3mx3rooms.
double story house with 4 bedrooms upstairs and 1 downstairs, kitchen, sitting room, dining room, family room, study et
Please see the height and length required as per the drawings below