If you want quality roofing contractors call as we specialize with all types of roofing
double story bedroom how with 3 bedroom 2 bathroom, Toilet,kitchen,dinning,lounge and Garage
I have terrible reception, please email me as it is the most reliable. I would like to install 5 finger kiaat (or a similar-looking wood type) parquet floor in a previously tiled area.
Quotation for Bk2, C1, MK10, CK5 per meter.
Extending a small deck adding corrugated sheeting for roof coverage on existing roof.
Wooden windows maintenance. Exterior maintenance of: 1x 7mX1.8m (6x panels - 3x fixed, 3x sliding) - treated, natural 2x 3mX1.8m (2x side hung openings, 2x skylights) - painted, white 2x 2.25mX1.8m (2x side hung openings, 2x skylights) - painted, white 2x 2.25mX1.5m (2x side hung openings, 2x skylights) - painted, white 3x 0.9mX1.5m (2x side hung openings) - painted, white.
I am looking at building a home of approx. squares. I have a budget of about R11 per sqm built.
We are just adding to the current corrugated roofing and extending the current deck by 2m squared.