1 off double door standard size 2 off single doors standard size. Alternative email address: I am not available on my mobile from 06h00 to 18h00 weekdays due to workwhen can you view?
Counter windows for SAPS with bullet proof glass Please contact me for full specification
Double hung average or standard size
Kitchen: 4 windows x Lounge: 4 windows x Bedroom 1: 2 windows x + 1 window x Bedroom 2: 2 windows x Bathroom: 2 windows x Study: 6 windows x Currently old wooden cottage pane windows in. I would like to enquire about the double glazed option of the uPVC natural wood colour window finish. Casement system. Thank you!
width/ hight Bronze with bronze tint
Double hung, sliding
See attached plan
Please email quotes with different options so that we can consider costs when planning.