Toilet leaks when flushing and there seems to be a blockage problem
I want to install meters of diameter pipe and build a main hole
Installation of new additional sewer line as per building plan to main sewer connection and Reroute part of existing sewer line to main sewer connection. 2. Installation of one new heat pump for 2 geysers including: - Relocating 1 existing geyser - installing a new 2nd geyser 3. New installation as per building plan of: 3/4 inch water supply pipes from geyser to points and drainage from points to sewer line for 2 new built bathrooms, 3 existing bathrooms and new built kitchen, and installation of new sanitary fittings 4. Installation of new mentis drain on driveway in front of double garage
the main issue is "electrical compliance certificate" because we are selling the property
Knowledgeable person to come and do site inspection. New extension (36 m) from existing electric fence is required to be installed on top of newly installed palisade fence, with gate on street front. Connection is to be from existing energizer. Repair one or two broken earthing pegs. Assess the general condition of existing segments of electric fence. Provide a quote that specifies cost items and labour. It would be greatly appreciated.
Reception area: Length 3. 9m Width 2.3m Patition area Length 8.71m Width 2.3m Kitchen Length 7.73m Width 2.45m Call center area written wall Length 1.9m Width 2.46m Wall Length 5.64m Width 2.46m Pillars Length 0.54 Width 2.5m Pillar divider Length 2.6m Width 2.33m Wall. Length 6.63m Width 7.21m Another wall Length 3.86m Width 4.72m 5 doors. Please note that the above area measurements are for covering the paint that was used before so we need only white color. Thank you
the whole 4-room house.
Quotation for Installation of prepaid electricity meter