13 m brick wall new foundation 13 m single brick wall 2,1 m high with pillar ever 2,5 n any red ,brown face brick will do
Water leak from the roof, evidence of water down the wall. A sound water dropping on the ceiling when raining.
I require a quote for roof tiles
Looking for a quote. The property belongs to a lady overseas. She will make a decision once the quotes are received. Contact me should you wish to have a look at space to advise re. fittings etc
Goverment RDP housing
Renovation to a two bedroom house, I want to add a toilet, two rooms and maybe a one bedroom granny flat
My Braaivlies room needs new roof Corrigated zinc sheets. I need to replace this roof as there is a bad leak.
I need sheet covers on my thatch roof for protection against fire
we have been renovating some of the house over the last couple of years, but we are looking to upgrade so that we can sell the house for more. upgrading includes a full renovation of the kitchen and scullery area, upgrading two bathrooms, replacing all the window frames and flooring, skirtings, fireplace, painting and stiling the 5 bedroom house.
I want to build a uSave shopping centre, liquour shop, 3 other shop and an ATM. The land is in Bushbuckridge.