About: Gauteng Shades and Electronics is a leading provider of gate, carport, and fencing solutions in Johannesburg. We offer a wide range of security systems and services to meet the needs of our customers. We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services at the most competitive prices.
6 Line Elect Fence Installed including energizer .
height to fit caravan
need repair only
Electric fence for perimeter wall around property.
Covid-19 Sanitizing gate. Pedistrian sanitizing gate.
Good day I am installing a mt X mt folding door and would like to install a folding security gate, please can I have a quote. Regards
*mm wall 2 sides, mmunicate via email
I want to have a full electric fence installation on top of a built wall and gates at my factory in Blackheath Cape Town . Best quote wins . Email only please