Removal of asbes roof. Roof is very flat. Increase the height of the roof to enhance the appeal of the house and replace asbes with tile
Approximate cost to remove and dispose of existing asbestos roofing (+/- 50 sq mtrs) and replace with galvanised sheeting that I will supply.
leaking flashing on roof joint and skylight flashing
All is new installation. 4 toilets. 3 bath s. 3 showers 1sink. I geyser. 4 basins
I need a quote on fitting a litre geyser I bought I geyser already I just need to know how much to fit it.
the roof is currently flat. So i would like to add another mm brick on the one side of the roof to slope it and replace the existing roof.
Put my inside geyser and install it outside the house.
I need a quotation on sealing my flat zink roof to stop leakage. My house is 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 2 sitting area a kitchen and double garage. I live in a rural area called Mohodi in Limpopo