Currently a contractor, invoicing in my personal capacity. Need advice on structuring a company, reducing tax and completing returns.
We can liaise on Whatsapp. I use Quick books so need an accountant to verify correctness and complete the requirement for tax returns etc.
Our current accountant does the financial statements, prov tax for company & 2 members & submits the relevant returns. All figures forwarded to him by mail so no onsite visits etc. We do our own VAT, PAYE etc with SAGE Payroll & Accounting so the services are generally only needed for bi-annual returns & financial year end. Looking for an annual figure.
Alarm system with panic buttons
Need an alarm system to control entry situated at door panel after entering the office. I am on a flight all day today, please contact me on Friday and I will then be able to discuss.
SARS Personal Tax
Security toghuard an unoccupied house in Westville for a period of 2 months i.e. April to end of May
I am willing to learn more in a company so that I can gain more experience and knowledge, And advance my skills and career opportunities in the field.