I would like to enquire about Grade C day and night guards, also it needs to include a monitoring system.We require 2-day guards and 2 nights guards, every day Monday to Sunday.It would require, patrolling the yard, receiving vehicles at night, during the day receiving vehicles patrolling the yard, watching the gate for clients in and out. Could you perhaps quote me on this.
Quotations for armed response and monitoring of residential property (house) in urban area. Property permanently occupied by owners (senior couple). No tenants or staff on property. Property with electric and pallisade fencing. Currently have service; no call-outs in more than 4 years. Please include all costs: monthly and/or annual.
Please will you provide a quotation to supply our film shoot: Monday 27th Feb. 3x day guards. West park Cemetery, Montgomery Park, Jhb Tuesday 28th Feb. 2x day guards. 1 x night guard. 13 Laub St, New Central, Jhb Wednesday 1st Mar. 2 x day guards. 13 Laub str, New Central, Jhb Thursday.2nd Mar. 2x day guards. Shaft 17 Conference centre Road, FNB Stadium Friday, 3rd Mar. 1x Day guards. 41 Putney rd., Brixton, Jhb
Can you please quote me on the below Hickvision system: 2 x IP dome cameras 6 IP bullet cameras with brackets, junction box etc Recording 8 nvr channel - face detection Including UPS, hard drive, 1 viewing station, m CAT6 cabling, m pvc conduit (25mm) 2 x 32" LED HD monitors, 1 maintenance manual with drawings
I’d like to have someone come to consult to find the most comprehensive security system possible. I have some older cameras and an alarm system in place but I need to upgrade and place beams and additional technology to ensure my home is safe while I’m there and while I’m away. I am not % sure whether my alarm still works properly, need someone to help consult on whether it needs to be repaired or whether it needs to be replaced.
The security measures required consist of the following: 1) 4 x remote monitored CCTV cameras 2) Perimeter intrusion detection system (beams) along the fence to cover four sides 3) 4 x tamper detection devices to be installed on the pole mounted solar panels. 4) 1 x Intruder detection system (door contact) The Site is located approximately 10km north of Rustenburg on the R in Chachalaza next to the Boitekong Community Health Centre.
We require security during the construction of a wall so as to prevent people from breaking the wall midway during construction. The services will be required once the contractor ends for the day and when they return, the security guard may leave. This will be roughly a 16 hour shift. The services will required three times as it will take the contractor three days to complete.
Dear Sir / Madam, Being interested in purchasing aspecific residential property in Hilton, I'd like to know what is necessary to be installated and maintained for peace of mind both as regards the upfront / once-off / capital costs and the monthly costs thereafter. I'd obviously need to make arrangements with the current owner / seller for a time and date for your visit for a professional security assessment. Please contact me at the above details by phone.
Hi, I have purchased a property in GIllitts which is currently a client of one of the armed response companies in the area. There is an existing alarm system that is functional and suited for the property. I am interested in hearing what deals you have for monitoring and armed response for me as a new client. I am away at work overseas so please contact me via email and not by a cellphone call. Kind regards
is a walled estate established for over 20 years it has currently got onsite guards 2 day 2 night patrolling access control by guards and call in verification of guests or contractors We are looking at improving off site monitoring / UFG tag or similar to allow owners access and 24 /hr monitoring with at least one guard day and night