Avoid making these mistakes for a safer electric fence
Although electric fences have many benefits to their owners, they are dangerous and can lead to severe injuries to both people and animals.
Please reach out to me on email. I would like to make a quotation of an electric fence that covers a stand of the following measurement 40m × 30m. On one of the 30m side there is a 10m gate. The electric fence must be 6 lines.
Renovating bathrooms and cupboards in bedroom want to change to sliding doors.
Extention of property & remodel interior to open plan. Scope includes foundation, walls, roof and swimming pool. Roof shape and pitch has changed and so roof trusses need to be redone but re-using existing tiles. There may be a need to top-up the quantity of roof tiles. The approved plan is attached.
See attached plan
Bath upstairs leaking underneath. Draining into Garage below. This is an emergency, please call me asap or email.