How to fix peeling exterior wall paint?
Learn the causes of peeling exterior wall paint and discover easy DIY fixes as well as professional solutions. Get a pristine façade—explore your options now!
Fixing minor wall cracks and painting some of the interior walls including an outhouse. Bathroom, living room and kitchen ceiling. Small area of damaged cornice needs to be replaced. Please contact Jabeen on . Thanks
It is just one room (BOARDROOM).
outside walls
4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, guest powder room, combined lounge, diningroom, kitchen, washing room, double garages, stain of all wooden window frames and wooden doors and double garage doors, Exterior: painting (building sqm), high pressure cleaning of outside verranda +/- sqm as well as all paving areas, treatment of damping of walls outside.
Paint kitchen lounge bathroom bedroom in white, please use Whatsapp for communication
this is for my parents house
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