I want to advertise my services as a coach. The aim is to provide sponsors and clients with information.
We are a small start-up making Indian food such as samoosas, springrolls, curries. etc
Advertise rental spaces.
The purpose of the site will be to market various 2 way radios, mostly to the security industry but also other industries using two way radios. The site will not include online shopping and payments, it will be to showcase products to prospective customers. I expect to start of with about 3 pages Home/ Products and services/ and contacts. I will supply photos of the products.
Consultants in the e-commerce space, need a 3 pager website.
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the website is for a church and needs approximately 25 pages, needs a database for congregants information, archive/catalogue for online video and audio sermons, a messaging facility to a designated email address and to admin, an eft facility to accommodate online payments, donations and tithe payments, needs to facilitate online registrations for events, track attendance and facilitate notifications, offer online registrations for membership, baptism etc and store the relevant documentation and have an integrated app to compliment it
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