quote for 10m first!
I want this pallisade fence on top of the wall brick surrounding my house to prevent someone not to intrude ,to protect me fro the robbers I want to be protected
I want to fence my garden. I want price of mesh razor fence - added picture for explanation
boundary wall openings between pillars W x H W x H W x H W x H W x H Sliding and Pedestrian gate between pillars W x H ( pedestrian gate) W x H (Sliding gate for driveway)
Good day, Kindly quote us for the supply and deliver of the following types of fence at Seabe Village, Mpumalanga Province. - Mesh Diamond mm X 25 m Grey, - livestock kind of fence and - Razor wire. The area to be fenced has a perimeter of m and the fence must be mm high. Please include Number of Posts, 2.7m high and 50mm dia in the middle and 75mm dia in the corners. Don’t hesitate to contact me for any further information.
Urgent!! Need by tomorrow. Please see attached.
The m includes a 7m gate (Require sliding gate)