I would want n ground unit to repel snakes and mm high for dogs as well.
The boundary measures 49, excluding the two 1m gates. We will opt for the 3mm wire, 1.8m high fence. 75x50 aperture. Dipped black color. Please can you quote on both the prefabricated fence posts and the standard square tubing with clips. We will need 18x 3m panels 23x posts 2x gates (1m width X 1.8m height) At this point we will likely do self installation, however you are welcome to quote on install if you would like to.
2 electric gates and motors of 6m long gates
1,2mm grade stainless steel wire M28 Dual zone energizer, including master earth grid of three galvanized earth rods and lightning protection on both feed and return cables. Insulators attached to existing fence Copper plated/ galvanized mm earth rods installed at 30m centers along the fence line with slim line HT cable Warning signs installed at 10m centers 4 corners and 1 x 4m sliding gate
Please respond as soon as possible, we need the material today. 9 Post Sec 2,4mtrxx1,6mm with overhang 18 Stay incline 2,4mtrx48mmx1,6mm econo 1 Steelwire round 5kgx2,24mmxmm 2 Barbeb wire carrypack s/strand 1 Wire binding galv 2,5mmx5kg 30 Post Sec 2,4mtrx48mmx1,6mm with overhang 4 Diamond mesh 1,8mtrx50mmx2mm (30mtr long per roll)
Quote requirement: meters, 8 strand, including all expenses (Backup battery, COC, Installation costs, Taxes, etc.)