How much is standard size geyser's installation ? And the price of geyser itself?
Addition of ensuite. Expansion of a room. Expansion of lounge. Conversion of garage to scullery. I need engineering services as well.
6 bedroom house
We would like buy a plot to build a sqm 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom no bath just walk in shower with double wash basin and toilet and powder room (2) toilet wash basin only nice size 2 bedrooms open plan kitchen garage attached to house with door leading into house with lots of cupboards.i would like 3 quotes on WITH wood AND with bricks thank you kindly philip.
Renovations, please Whatsapp me.
I would like a flat or an outbuliding at the back of my house preferably a double story so basically two separate flats two bedroom each and one bathroom
Want to build the house with 3 bedroom and open plan kitchen, laundry room and upstairs with one bedroom with e suite and entertainment area. I have contacted the pros for the plans.
Kitchen roof building flaw.