Dear Sir/Madam Kindly provide me with a quote inclusive of the following services: R - R PPC R - R Social Media marketing R - R Email marketing R - R Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) R - R Affiliate marketing R - R Advice (Outsourced services on Digital Mrketing for startups) Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanking you in advance . Kind regards M Masha(Ms)
I need a quote on SEO for cleaning related services in Cape Town. I am a micro-enterprise whose website is currently ranked on page 3 of google.co.za Prior to the site being revamped, the previous one was on page 1 and page 2 when many paid ads are posted
I need a website to promote my hand sanitiser product. I require hosting , design and online marketing assistance for the project.
Just has a website made. Looking for it to appear on google if my customer search it to check it out.
Got no budget yet, i need advice.
I am the author of 3 step-by-step guides: Reading is fun, Teaching a child to read English. I have sold quite many books already to teachers and parents, all stating that it is a very good product and that their children can read now. I use it myself, in my work as remedial therapist, too. During this lockdown situation, parents will be in need to teach their gr. R and gr. 1 children. I hope to find suitable digital marketing, to reach these young parents to inform them about the book and to the make this product available to them.