a quote aircon does not cool
Will send plans when you revert and show interest Need 3 casettes and one window split in one building Need 2 Casettes and ditto in other building Adress is 54 Transvaal Road
Split type air conditioner. Our aircon blew a hole in the radiator.
May I please have a quotation for servicing of 7 air conditioners in Barkley East.
Please reach out to me via email. We work at the dumping site, the odour and flies make it hard to keep our windows opened.
2 BTU, 5 12 BTU.
Number attached is an office landline, please email me directly. How much is your service charge for one aircon at Woodstock Exchange? The workshop is quite cold and people do not want to work there so we need to get this sorted as soon as possible. Please regard this request as urgent as I need to get this sorted by tomorrow.
the aircon pipes are dripping water from the ceiling as well as one aircon is not swtching on