AnnCo Marketing Solutions

Digital marketing and SEO services, Web design

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Recent requests

Digital marketing

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Cape Town
  • What service(s) are you interested in?: Google Ads marketing (PPC), Social Media marketing, Email marketing, Other (video, apps, mobile etc.), I need advice
  • What is your approximate monthly budget?: Less than R5.000

Digital marketing

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Cape Town
  • Your website (URL):
  • What service(s) are you interested in?: Google Ads marketing (PPC)
  • What is your approximate monthly budget?: R5.000 - R10.000

I need to get more people to my website

Digital marketing

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Kuilsriver, Cape Town
  • Your website (URL):
  • What service(s) are you interested in?: I need advice
  • What is your approximate monthly budget?: Less than R5.000

Small business not needing too much traction. Just need to acquire a few clients.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Western cape
  • Your website (URL):
  • What is your approximate monthly budget?: Less than R5.000


  • City or suburb: Cape town
  • What do you need?: New website
  • What type of website do you need?: Business website
  • How many web pages do you want your website to include?: 2–5

Consultants in the e-commerce space, need a 3 pager website.


  • City or suburb: Johannesburg Internasionale Lughawe, Kempton Park
  • What do you need?: New website
  • What type of website do you need?: Business website
  • How many web pages do you want your website to include?: One pager

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  • City or suburb: Durban
  • What do you need?: New website
  • What type of website do you need?: Personal website or blog
  • How many web pages do you want your website to include?: One pager



  • City or suburb: Johannesburg
  • What do you need?: New website
  • What type of website do you need?: Other
  • How many web pages do you want your website to include?: 20+

the website is for a church and needs approximately 25 pages, needs a database for congregants information, archive/catalogue for online video and audio sermons, a messaging facility to a designated email address and to admin, an eft facility to accommodate online payments, donations and tithe payments, needs to facilitate online registrations for events, track attendance and facilitate notifications, offer online registrations for membership, baptism etc and store the relevant documentation and have an integrated app to compliment it

Digital marketing

  • City (or suburb) where you need the service: Lebowakgomo
  • Your website (URL):
  • What is your approximate monthly budget?: Less than R5.000

is a newly established Nonprofit organization striving to provide the best possible assistance to vulnerable disadvantaged people especially the disabled, women and children to learn how to become creative entrepreneurs and make a living out of their artwork. This will also help the other people to see the importance of making a living out of their indigenous wisdom activities like shipelani dancers, Dinaka, Step dancers, poets, crafters, molders, weavers and more other different types of art activities. Capacity and community building will be encouraged and held to teach the as to how to go about to be creative, innovative and independent in order to be financially independent and successful. This will eliminate the crime rate, drug and substance abuse and create a new generation that will help in job creation for others.


  • City or suburb: Johannesburg
  • What do you need?: New website
  • What type of website do you need?: Business website
  • How many web pages do you want your website to include?: 2–5

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