No poles, only 2 walls to support the shade net carport. I will send you images of what I ma referring too.
6 x 6 water proof shade
There's a current carport which is 6m by 7m fitting 2 cars. The top needs to be changed to solid cover and needs a 6 by 6 structure.
Require a carport for three cars. Available area in existing driveway is approximately 4m X 10m. The space for the 4th car will be used to store bicycles/garden tools.
Good morning Can you please text me on Whatsapp the costs involved in installing a shade net carport? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Cantilever carport needed.
It is possible for you to send me a cost and another related cost for installing a solid roof carport that will accommodate only one car? Text me the price list and we will take it from there.