How to tackle window repair?
Struggling with broken windows? Get expert advice on repairing wooden, aluminium, steel, & uPVC windows. Learn about common causes, DIY fixes, & when to call a fundi to save on energy & boost security.
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We are looking for white aluminium windows, the size of our window which needs to be replaced urgently is height by . I prefer email communication .
double hung
For a tender at hospital. need to replace with pvc windows. Alt email: With glazing and tinting.
Nano glass frameless X
2 small singles windows for the bathroom . The lounge 1 window .
Replacement of old steel windows to aluminium . Prefer email. In meetings whole year.
Double hung . PT x1, PT x 2, PTT x 3, PTT x1, PTT x 1. Please contact anytime after 2pm.